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Online Marketing

Current SEO Trends You Should Not Miss


Three blocks marked S-E-O
Online Marketing

Current SEO Trends You Should Not Miss

March 13, 2024
Three blocks marked S-E-O

Current SEO Trends You Should Not Miss

March 13, 2024

You should never neglect search engine optimization (SEO) for your online shop or website. We have asked around for you and collected a few current SEO trends. You should never ignore them.

Core Web Vitals

A new value for the ranking of your website or online shop are the Search Signals for Page Experience. This means that your page is examined for its usability, i.e. good usability.

Usability is to be calculated using the Core Web Vitals, which consist of the following metrics:

  • First Input Delay: When a user clicks on your page, this measures how long it takes for users to interact with your page.  
  • Cumulative Layout Shift: This value shows how the content of your page changes design-wise during the loading process.
  • Largest Contentful Paint: The Largest Contentful Paint metric shows how quickly the main content of your page loads for users.

Want to improve your Core Web Vitals? Then read this guide and improve your ranking.

Rich Snippets

Rich Snippets are also back in 2022 and are gaining even more importance this year, because matching search queries are often answered on the first Google page (SERP). Wondering what a rich snippet is?

Snippets are small snippets from your page, which contain information such as the title, a description, a link and preferably a call-to-action. Optimized rich snippets have the advantage that you are already listed in Google before other results. You can design them according to their relevance for you and your target. The information that is displayed can also contain ratings or images and much more.

How to set up rich snippets and which format is right for you can be found in this detailed guide.

Rich snippet example recipe

Video Content

Visual content has always attracted the attention of users. With videos, information can be presented in a simple and vivid way, which is why messages are processed and understood more easily. Therefore, it is not a disadvantage to take them into account in your SEO strategy 2022.

When you start producing videos, be sure to adjust the title and description to reflect the content of the video. Of course, keywords also play a role. If you want to produce videos then proceed as follows:

  1. Define goals + target audience: What and who do you want to reach?
  2. Determine + plan topic: What is interesting for my target group?
  3. Produce: Decide beforehand what kind of video content you want to produce and what tools you want to work with.
  4. Distribute content: Use your content and share it on your social networks, website, or external sites.  
  5. Analyze content: Take a close look at whether your video is achieving the desired success, i.e. whether you are reaching your goals with it. Based on these findings, you can optimize further.

User Experience

The user experience (UX) is often used by Google to evaluate the usability of your website or online shop. As mentioned above, this also plays a role in the Core Web Vitals. You can tell if your user experience is good by the following metrics:

  • Bounce Rate: With the bounce rate you can see how many users leave your page without any interaction. If the bounce rate is very high, then you should optimize your site.
  • CTR: The click through rate shows how relevant a search query is for users. You calculate the CTR as follows: If you notice that the CTR is low, then you should revise your Meta Title and Meta Description.
  • Time on page: Is the time users spend on your page.

Make your website or online shop and of course your content as user-friendly as possible.

Did you know❓Google Analytics 4 also contains the User Engagement value. This will also be very important in the future. For more information about User Engagement click here.

Summary of the current SEO trends

  1. Core Web Vitals for a higher Google ranking
  2. Rich snippets for displaying relevant information
  3. Video content for a visual presentation of information
  4. User experience for a user-friendly experience of your webshop or website

Sources (last accessed on 17.11.2021):


No items found.


You should never neglect search engine optimization (SEO) for your online shop or website. We have asked around for you and collected a few current SEO trends. You should never ignore them.

Core Web Vitals

A new value for the ranking of your website or online shop are the Search Signals for Page Experience. This means that your page is examined for its usability, i.e. good usability.

Usability is to be calculated using the Core Web Vitals, which consist of the following metrics:

  • First Input Delay: When a user clicks on your page, this measures how long it takes for users to interact with your page.  
  • Cumulative Layout Shift: This value shows how the content of your page changes design-wise during the loading process.
  • Largest Contentful Paint: The Largest Contentful Paint metric shows how quickly the main content of your page loads for users.

Want to improve your Core Web Vitals? Then read this guide and improve your ranking.

Rich Snippets

Rich Snippets are also back in 2022 and are gaining even more importance this year, because matching search queries are often answered on the first Google page (SERP). Wondering what a rich snippet is?

Snippets are small snippets from your page, which contain information such as the title, a description, a link and preferably a call-to-action. Optimized rich snippets have the advantage that you are already listed in Google before other results. You can design them according to their relevance for you and your target. The information that is displayed can also contain ratings or images and much more.

How to set up rich snippets and which format is right for you can be found in this detailed guide.

Rich snippet example recipe

Video Content

Visual content has always attracted the attention of users. With videos, information can be presented in a simple and vivid way, which is why messages are processed and understood more easily. Therefore, it is not a disadvantage to take them into account in your SEO strategy 2022.

When you start producing videos, be sure to adjust the title and description to reflect the content of the video. Of course, keywords also play a role. If you want to produce videos then proceed as follows:

  1. Define goals + target audience: What and who do you want to reach?
  2. Determine + plan topic: What is interesting for my target group?
  3. Produce: Decide beforehand what kind of video content you want to produce and what tools you want to work with.
  4. Distribute content: Use your content and share it on your social networks, website, or external sites.  
  5. Analyze content: Take a close look at whether your video is achieving the desired success, i.e. whether you are reaching your goals with it. Based on these findings, you can optimize further.

User Experience

The user experience (UX) is often used by Google to evaluate the usability of your website or online shop. As mentioned above, this also plays a role in the Core Web Vitals. You can tell if your user experience is good by the following metrics:

  • Bounce Rate: With the bounce rate you can see how many users leave your page without any interaction. If the bounce rate is very high, then you should optimize your site.
  • CTR: The click through rate shows how relevant a search query is for users. You calculate the CTR as follows: If you notice that the CTR is low, then you should revise your Meta Title and Meta Description.
  • Time on page: Is the time users spend on your page.

Make your website or online shop and of course your content as user-friendly as possible.

Did you know❓Google Analytics 4 also contains the User Engagement value. This will also be very important in the future. For more information about User Engagement click here.

Summary of the current SEO trends

  1. Core Web Vitals for a higher Google ranking
  2. Rich snippets for displaying relevant information
  3. Video content for a visual presentation of information
  4. User experience for a user-friendly experience of your webshop or website

Sources (last accessed on 17.11.2021):

Playful Linkedin Icon
Playful Mail Icon

You should never neglect search engine optimization (SEO) for your online shop or website. We have asked around for you and collected a few current SEO trends. You should never ignore them.

Core Web Vitals

A new value for the ranking of your website or online shop are the Search Signals for Page Experience. This means that your page is examined for its usability, i.e. good usability.

Usability is to be calculated using the Core Web Vitals, which consist of the following metrics:

  • First Input Delay: When a user clicks on your page, this measures how long it takes for users to interact with your page.  
  • Cumulative Layout Shift: This value shows how the content of your page changes design-wise during the loading process.
  • Largest Contentful Paint: The Largest Contentful Paint metric shows how quickly the main content of your page loads for users.

Want to improve your Core Web Vitals? Then read this guide and improve your ranking.

Rich Snippets

Rich Snippets are also back in 2022 and are gaining even more importance this year, because matching search queries are often answered on the first Google page (SERP). Wondering what a rich snippet is?

Snippets are small snippets from your page, which contain information such as the title, a description, a link and preferably a call-to-action. Optimized rich snippets have the advantage that you are already listed in Google before other results. You can design them according to their relevance for you and your target. The information that is displayed can also contain ratings or images and much more.

How to set up rich snippets and which format is right for you can be found in this detailed guide.

Rich snippet example recipe

Video Content

Visual content has always attracted the attention of users. With videos, information can be presented in a simple and vivid way, which is why messages are processed and understood more easily. Therefore, it is not a disadvantage to take them into account in your SEO strategy 2022.

When you start producing videos, be sure to adjust the title and description to reflect the content of the video. Of course, keywords also play a role. If you want to produce videos then proceed as follows:

  1. Define goals + target audience: What and who do you want to reach?
  2. Determine + plan topic: What is interesting for my target group?
  3. Produce: Decide beforehand what kind of video content you want to produce and what tools you want to work with.
  4. Distribute content: Use your content and share it on your social networks, website, or external sites.  
  5. Analyze content: Take a close look at whether your video is achieving the desired success, i.e. whether you are reaching your goals with it. Based on these findings, you can optimize further.

User Experience

The user experience (UX) is often used by Google to evaluate the usability of your website or online shop. As mentioned above, this also plays a role in the Core Web Vitals. You can tell if your user experience is good by the following metrics:

  • Bounce Rate: With the bounce rate you can see how many users leave your page without any interaction. If the bounce rate is very high, then you should optimize your site.
  • CTR: The click through rate shows how relevant a search query is for users. You calculate the CTR as follows: If you notice that the CTR is low, then you should revise your Meta Title and Meta Description.
  • Time on page: Is the time users spend on your page.

Make your website or online shop and of course your content as user-friendly as possible.

Did you know❓Google Analytics 4 also contains the User Engagement value. This will also be very important in the future. For more information about User Engagement click here.

Summary of the current SEO trends

  1. Core Web Vitals for a higher Google ranking
  2. Rich snippets for displaying relevant information
  3. Video content for a visual presentation of information
  4. User experience for a user-friendly experience of your webshop or website

Sources (last accessed on 17.11.2021):

Playful Linkedin Icon
Playful Mail Icon

You should never neglect search engine optimization (SEO) for your online shop or website. We have asked around for you and collected a few current SEO trends. You should never ignore them.

Core Web Vitals

A new value for the ranking of your website or online shop are the Search Signals for Page Experience. This means that your page is examined for its usability, i.e. good usability.

Usability is to be calculated using the Core Web Vitals, which consist of the following metrics:

  • First Input Delay: When a user clicks on your page, this measures how long it takes for users to interact with your page.  
  • Cumulative Layout Shift: This value shows how the content of your page changes design-wise during the loading process.
  • Largest Contentful Paint: The Largest Contentful Paint metric shows how quickly the main content of your page loads for users.

Want to improve your Core Web Vitals? Then read this guide and improve your ranking.

Rich Snippets

Rich Snippets are also back in 2022 and are gaining even more importance this year, because matching search queries are often answered on the first Google page (SERP). Wondering what a rich snippet is?

Snippets are small snippets from your page, which contain information such as the title, a description, a link and preferably a call-to-action. Optimized rich snippets have the advantage that you are already listed in Google before other results. You can design them according to their relevance for you and your target. The information that is displayed can also contain ratings or images and much more.

How to set up rich snippets and which format is right for you can be found in this detailed guide.

Rich snippet example recipe

Video Content

Visual content has always attracted the attention of users. With videos, information can be presented in a simple and vivid way, which is why messages are processed and understood more easily. Therefore, it is not a disadvantage to take them into account in your SEO strategy 2022.

When you start producing videos, be sure to adjust the title and description to reflect the content of the video. Of course, keywords also play a role. If you want to produce videos then proceed as follows:

  1. Define goals + target audience: What and who do you want to reach?
  2. Determine + plan topic: What is interesting for my target group?
  3. Produce: Decide beforehand what kind of video content you want to produce and what tools you want to work with.
  4. Distribute content: Use your content and share it on your social networks, website, or external sites.  
  5. Analyze content: Take a close look at whether your video is achieving the desired success, i.e. whether you are reaching your goals with it. Based on these findings, you can optimize further.

User Experience

The user experience (UX) is often used by Google to evaluate the usability of your website or online shop. As mentioned above, this also plays a role in the Core Web Vitals. You can tell if your user experience is good by the following metrics:

  • Bounce Rate: With the bounce rate you can see how many users leave your page without any interaction. If the bounce rate is very high, then you should optimize your site.
  • CTR: The click through rate shows how relevant a search query is for users. You calculate the CTR as follows: If you notice that the CTR is low, then you should revise your Meta Title and Meta Description.
  • Time on page: Is the time users spend on your page.

Make your website or online shop and of course your content as user-friendly as possible.

Did you know❓Google Analytics 4 also contains the User Engagement value. This will also be very important in the future. For more information about User Engagement click here.

Summary of the current SEO trends

  1. Core Web Vitals for a higher Google ranking
  2. Rich snippets for displaying relevant information
  3. Video content for a visual presentation of information
  4. User experience for a user-friendly experience of your webshop or website

Sources (last accessed on 17.11.2021):

Playful Linkedin Icon
Playful Mail Icon

You should never neglect search engine optimization (SEO) for your online shop or website. We have asked around for you and collected a few current SEO trends. You should never ignore them.

Core Web Vitals

A new value for the ranking of your website or online shop are the Search Signals for Page Experience. This means that your page is examined for its usability, i.e. good usability.

Usability is to be calculated using the Core Web Vitals, which consist of the following metrics:

  • First Input Delay: When a user clicks on your page, this measures how long it takes for users to interact with your page.  
  • Cumulative Layout Shift: This value shows how the content of your page changes design-wise during the loading process.
  • Largest Contentful Paint: The Largest Contentful Paint metric shows how quickly the main content of your page loads for users.

Want to improve your Core Web Vitals? Then read this guide and improve your ranking.

Rich Snippets

Rich Snippets are also back in 2022 and are gaining even more importance this year, because matching search queries are often answered on the first Google page (SERP). Wondering what a rich snippet is?

Snippets are small snippets from your page, which contain information such as the title, a description, a link and preferably a call-to-action. Optimized rich snippets have the advantage that you are already listed in Google before other results. You can design them according to their relevance for you and your target. The information that is displayed can also contain ratings or images and much more.

How to set up rich snippets and which format is right for you can be found in this detailed guide.

Rich snippet example recipe

Video Content

Visual content has always attracted the attention of users. With videos, information can be presented in a simple and vivid way, which is why messages are processed and understood more easily. Therefore, it is not a disadvantage to take them into account in your SEO strategy 2022.

When you start producing videos, be sure to adjust the title and description to reflect the content of the video. Of course, keywords also play a role. If you want to produce videos then proceed as follows:

  1. Define goals + target audience: What and who do you want to reach?
  2. Determine + plan topic: What is interesting for my target group?
  3. Produce: Decide beforehand what kind of video content you want to produce and what tools you want to work with.
  4. Distribute content: Use your content and share it on your social networks, website, or external sites.  
  5. Analyze content: Take a close look at whether your video is achieving the desired success, i.e. whether you are reaching your goals with it. Based on these findings, you can optimize further.

User Experience

The user experience (UX) is often used by Google to evaluate the usability of your website or online shop. As mentioned above, this also plays a role in the Core Web Vitals. You can tell if your user experience is good by the following metrics:

  • Bounce Rate: With the bounce rate you can see how many users leave your page without any interaction. If the bounce rate is very high, then you should optimize your site.
  • CTR: The click through rate shows how relevant a search query is for users. You calculate the CTR as follows: If you notice that the CTR is low, then you should revise your Meta Title and Meta Description.
  • Time on page: Is the time users spend on your page.

Make your website or online shop and of course your content as user-friendly as possible.

Did you know❓Google Analytics 4 also contains the User Engagement value. This will also be very important in the future. For more information about User Engagement click here.

Summary of the current SEO trends

  1. Core Web Vitals for a higher Google ranking
  2. Rich snippets for displaying relevant information
  3. Video content for a visual presentation of information
  4. User experience for a user-friendly experience of your webshop or website

Sources (last accessed on 17.11.2021):

Playful Linkedin Icon
Playful Mail Icon
Written by
Hannah Moser
Written by
Hannah Moser
Online Marketing

Current SEO Trends You Should Not Miss

You should never neglect search engine optimization (SEO) for your online shop or website. We have asked around for you and collected a few current SEO trends. You should never ignore them.

Core Web Vitals

A new value for the ranking of your website or online shop are the Search Signals for Page Experience. This means that your page is examined for its usability, i.e. good usability.

Usability is to be calculated using the Core Web Vitals, which consist of the following metrics:

  • First Input Delay: When a user clicks on your page, this measures how long it takes for users to interact with your page.  
  • Cumulative Layout Shift: This value shows how the content of your page changes design-wise during the loading process.
  • Largest Contentful Paint: The Largest Contentful Paint metric shows how quickly the main content of your page loads for users.

Want to improve your Core Web Vitals? Then read this guide and improve your ranking.

Rich Snippets

Rich Snippets are also back in 2022 and are gaining even more importance this year, because matching search queries are often answered on the first Google page (SERP). Wondering what a rich snippet is?

Snippets are small snippets from your page, which contain information such as the title, a description, a link and preferably a call-to-action. Optimized rich snippets have the advantage that you are already listed in Google before other results. You can design them according to their relevance for you and your target. The information that is displayed can also contain ratings or images and much more.

How to set up rich snippets and which format is right for you can be found in this detailed guide.

Rich snippet example recipe

Video Content

Visual content has always attracted the attention of users. With videos, information can be presented in a simple and vivid way, which is why messages are processed and understood more easily. Therefore, it is not a disadvantage to take them into account in your SEO strategy 2022.

When you start producing videos, be sure to adjust the title and description to reflect the content of the video. Of course, keywords also play a role. If you want to produce videos then proceed as follows:

  1. Define goals + target audience: What and who do you want to reach?
  2. Determine + plan topic: What is interesting for my target group?
  3. Produce: Decide beforehand what kind of video content you want to produce and what tools you want to work with.
  4. Distribute content: Use your content and share it on your social networks, website, or external sites.  
  5. Analyze content: Take a close look at whether your video is achieving the desired success, i.e. whether you are reaching your goals with it. Based on these findings, you can optimize further.

User Experience

The user experience (UX) is often used by Google to evaluate the usability of your website or online shop. As mentioned above, this also plays a role in the Core Web Vitals. You can tell if your user experience is good by the following metrics:

  • Bounce Rate: With the bounce rate you can see how many users leave your page without any interaction. If the bounce rate is very high, then you should optimize your site.
  • CTR: The click through rate shows how relevant a search query is for users. You calculate the CTR as follows: If you notice that the CTR is low, then you should revise your Meta Title and Meta Description.
  • Time on page: Is the time users spend on your page.

Make your website or online shop and of course your content as user-friendly as possible.

Did you know❓Google Analytics 4 also contains the User Engagement value. This will also be very important in the future. For more information about User Engagement click here.

Summary of the current SEO trends

  1. Core Web Vitals for a higher Google ranking
  2. Rich snippets for displaying relevant information
  3. Video content for a visual presentation of information
  4. User experience for a user-friendly experience of your webshop or website

Sources (last accessed on 17.11.2021):


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